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Ways I can Serve!

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You Can Serve by...


Welcome people as they come to church and help them find where they need to go

Volunteer to be ready for the church nursery (get fingerprinted)

Stick around to clean up after service or special events at church   

Mentor/ disciple others   

Visit people in the hospital 

Sing in the worship band or play an instrument

Give financially to support the church 

Teach an adult class   

Help plan or set up for special events

Call and invite new visitors to return; get their names, addresses, phone #, birth/anniversary dates

Send cards to people; Send cards to those in the hospital, battling illness or who have lost a loved one       

Hold an umbrella for people coming in/leaving on rainy days

Fix broken items around the church  

Help out with the children/teen ministry  (get fingerprinted)   

Paint and decorate outdated classrooms

Pray for the pastor, church members, missionaries and those in your community

Answer the phone, check messages and return calls

Teach Sunday School

Donate supplies 

Invite others over for lunch after church   

Take pictures of special events

Find ways to help your visitors to make new friends.

All areas of ministry requiring use of the church kitchen (Setup, serve, clean up)

Prepare refreshments for church socials;  Keep track of all supplies necessary for such events

Gather everyone’s information for the church directory

Give announcements 

Check for supplies needed, kitchen or sanctuary;  

Clean the church

Write an article for the church website or bulletin;  

Introduce yourself to people you see at church.   Introduce people to each other

Be the first to participate, to encourage others to participate too;     

Help organize vacation Bible school       

Knit or crochet blankets for new babies (either for the nursery or to take home)

Restock offering envelopes and pencils;  

Bring small toys to give to children in the service

Host a reception after the morning services.  

Help returning church visitors connect/Take care of repeat visitors:

Pray for non-believers..  

Be alert to the needs of the church membership and ways to serve those needs

Make posters/signs for upcoming events; advertising church events in your community

Direct traffic after service lets out;  

Help late-comers find seats;

visit the residents at a nursing home.  

Call someone who’s hurting.

Do some street evangelism

Sit near the front or back of church to minister to those who need someone to talk to

Offer to help someone with small children     

Things you can do to show your faith outside of the church building

Pray before you eat–especially in public.

Blog about your faith.   

Take a picnic lunch to an area with a homeless population.

Share a Bible verse on Twitter.    

Start a Bible study at Starbucks.  

Tell your coworker about God.   

When catching up with a friend, ask “How can I pray for you?”

Smile more.   

Offer to go door to door inviting people to church.

Change your language–say “God bless you” instead of “Bless you,” “Praise God” instead of “Thank God.” See if it doesn’t start some interesting conversations.

Fast and pray for missionaries. 

Buy a dozen copies of your favorite Christian book. Give them away.  Give away CDs by your favorite Christian artists–  

Be completely present to everyone who’s talking to you.    Love people where they are.. 

Share powerful Christian articles on Facebook.  

Talk as much about Jesus as you do about your favorite team or band.

Make beautiful Christian art–poetry, photography, music, sculpture.

Give glory to God and draw hearts to him.  

Participate in Angel Tree during the holidays;    

Have friends over for a movie night

Arrange for meals for church families when needed (birth of baby, baby shower, death of loved one, health crisis). 

Transportation assistance for members who can’t drive themselves to appointments.

Do yardwork/housework for church members who need help

Organize a fundraiser

Coordinate a special service project opportunity’

Act in skits, the Christmas musical, and/or youth group lessons;

Tend to a church garden



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